Hello, my name is Radna Rumping.
I'm a writer, artist and curator based in Amsterdam. My work is relational and collaborative, dealing with public space, experimental archiving, ways of gathering, and conditions of (in)visibility. I have an affinity with art practices that defy categorization, and a special interest in performance art. Radio and sonic explorations have run like a thread through my practice:
In 2015 I co-founded Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee, an online radio platform dedicated to the arts. Between 2010-2020 I hosted the radio show Future Vintage at Red Light Radio.
I hold a BA in Journalism and was during 2016-17 in residence at the post-academic research centre Van Eyck Academie (Maastricht) where I developed my voice in writing and recording. Some of these sound pieces, text-based works and essays, that have been presented at various exhibitions in The Netherlands and internationally, are published at sofarsoreal.net.
Since 2023 I'm partner at Loom, a collective practice for cultural transformation.
Previous curatorial projects include the educational programs 'Inner and Outer Acts' and 'We Are Many' at ArtEZ Zwolle (2023/2024),
Come Closer; a performance program at the 700 year old Oude Kerk in Amsterdam (2015-2022),
Gift Science Archive; a durational archiving performance in collaboration with Sands Murray-Wassink,
Megan Hoetger and If I Can't Dance (2020-21),
the series Uncertainty Seminars at Stroom Den Haag (2019),
Ludic Garden; a publication I developed with artist Chupan Atashi (2018)
and Lost Property CDMX ,
a silent bar as collective artwork in Mexico City (2018). Together with
Huib Haye van der Werf I initiated mistral
-a space for making constellations- where I have been active during 2020-21.
In 2021 I developed the audio piece 'Hoofdweg (a possible line)' as an intervention in public space,
commissioned by Welcome Stranger. I'm an experienced advisor
on art in public space as well, previously in the committee for the City of Utrecht, and currently as part
of the Stadscuratorium for the City of Amsterdam. Furthermore I'm part of the advisory committee of Stroom Den Haag, board member at the Pauwhof Fund, and frequently active in art education, for example as member of the audition committee for SNDO (School for New Dance Development) and as guest teacher at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam.
If you would like to know more, don't hesitate to get in touch.